Full Journal Title Sosio-Agri Papua : Publikasi Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
ISSN (printed) 2088-3684
ISSN (electronic) 2615-6482
Chief Editors Els Tieneke Rieke Katmo, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D.
Publisher Department of Social Economic Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Papua
Publisher Location Manokwari, West Papua, Indonesia
Postal Address Kampus Manokwari, Jl. Gunung Salju, Amban Manokwari, Papua Barat, 98314, Indonesia
Publication Frequency Twice a year
Publication Medium Electronic
DOI Prefix 10.46549/sap
Journal Website https://journal.faperta.unipa.ac.id/index.php/sap/
Archiving This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration
Abstracting & Indexing Dimensions, Google Scholar, Crossref, GARUDA

Sosio-Agri Papua : Publikasi Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian published by Department of Social Economic Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Papua, is a journal that contains scientific articles on the results of studies to improve scientific communication, understanding and application of science and technology in the socio-economic field of agriculture and / or agribusiness. The scope of the journal includes scientific disciplines in the fields of agriculture and agricultural technology, including: socio-economic agriculture and agribusiness. Sosio-Agri Papua in collaboration with Association of Indonesian Agricultural Journals (AJPI) and PERHEPI.



Call For Paper Vol 12 No 2 Desember 2023


Sosio-Agri Papua : Publikasi Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian mengundang Penulis untuk mengirimkan hasil penelitian maupun ulasan ilmiah di bidang Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Manajemen Agribisnis, Pengembangan Agribisnis, Kebijakan Pertanian, Pemberdayaan Agribisnis, dan Keberlanjutan Agribisnis.

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